Email Warmup

How Long To Warm Up an Email Account? (Key Insights)

Published on
March 6, 2025
Post by
Lara Bingel
How Long To Warm Up an Email Account? (Key Insights)

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How Long To Warm Up an Email Account? (Key Insights)

Warming up an email account is essential for successful email marketing, but how long should it take?

This depends on several factors including target email volume, domain age,  current sender reputation, and more.

In this article, we'll explore the key factors determining warmup duration, providing you with a clear roadmap to optimize your email strategy

Understanding Email Warmup: The Basics

Email warmup is the process of gradually increasing the number of emails sent from a new email account or domain to build a solid sender reputation.

ISPs (Internet Service Providers) monitor email activity to prevent spam. A sudden surge of emails from a new account can trigger spam filters, leading to your emails being blocked or landing in the spam folder.

How Long Should You Warm Up?

The duration of the initial warmup period can range from 2 to 12 weeks, depending on these 4 factors:

Factors that determine email warmup time

1. Target Volume

Your target volume is the number of emails you plan to send on a regular basis. This plays a significant role in determining the warmup period.

For lower volumes, a shorter warmup phase might suffice, as it poses less risk of being flagged as spam. Conversely, if your goal is to send large volumes of emails, expect a longer warmup period. This gradual increase helps ISPs recognize your email patterns as legitimate and not spam.

2. Domain Age

The age of your domain is a critical factor. Older domains that have been active and have a history of sending emails can often be warmed up more quickly.

These domains are usually already known to email service providers and are less likely to be marked as suspicious. However, it's still important to follow a warmup process to maintain and build on this existing reputation.

3. Email Account Age:

Similar to domain age, the age of your email account matters. New accounts, with no history of sending emails, are treated with more scrutiny by ISPs.

Therefore, they require a more extended warmup period to build trust. In contrast, older accounts with a history of sending emails can move through the warmup process more quickly, provided they haven’t been previously flagged for spammy behavior.

4. Current Reputation

The existing reputation of your email account and domain plays a pivotal role. If your account has been flagged for sending spam or your emails have previously seen high bounce rates and low engagement, the warmup period will need to be longer and more carefully managed.

A strong, positive sending history, on the other hand, can shorten the warmup duration. This history includes factors like recipient engagement, spam complaints, and bounce rates, which ISPs use to gauge the trustworthiness of your emails.

Warmup is not a one-time event but an ongoing process.

Ultimately, your initial warmup timeframe will depend on the 4 factors mentioned above. After reaching your initial warmup target, continue to warmup with the following in mind:

  • Maintain a Lowered Warmup Speed: Once you start regular campaigns, reduce the warmup speed but don’t stop it.
  • Consistency is Crucial: Regular email activity is essential for maintaining a good sender reputation.
  • Offset Negative Campaign Performance: If your campaigns have lower open rates or higher spam rates, a continuous warmup can help mitigate negative impacts.

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